Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Road Trip

The weather wasn't spectacular today, but myself and a friend from our Photography Group headed up to Lake Wales to Lake Kissimmee State Park. One thing people have to realize when they do a road trip with me is plan on walking a distance and putting up with the Florida elements - mosquitoes and other critters. Well, we didn't do much hiking, and got just a few shots. It's too bad, because the weather improved as the morning continued. Next time, I go it alone. I received my Audubon Magazines yesterday. My image was in the middle of the book, but no mention of me(sigh). It is my first image in the magazine, and I hope to contribute more in upcoming issues. Thanks to the power of the social media, I have submitted images to two interior designers for their projects. Never give up!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Other Avenues

They say if you want to stay in front of the pack, you must constantly reinvent yourself or find other avenues in which to use your talents. I know senior high school portraits are very lucrative for some photographers. I'm in the process of putting together some packages based on parents' budgets. I will not underprice my work, but rather explain what each package contains. I'm not looking to do a lot of this work, but if it comes my way, I won't turn it down.

On another note, Facebook and social media marketing may have introduced me to a new gallery in South Carolina. It may be a few months before I exhibit anything. Much more communication is needed. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Off the Soapbox

It's time to get off the soapbox, and concentrate on things I can do, with the help of God, to better myself. I'm anxiously awaiting the next issue of "The Naturalist", the magazine of Audubon of Florida. I will have an image featured, as well as a little blurb written about me. I was also hoping to be published in ArtSi Magazine, but the last issue is way past due, and I wonder if the publication is going under. That would be a shame from my observation of one issue(in print), as it looks to have been a quality publication. I am in the process of submitting to more magazines, and am awaiting a response from another gallery in Texas, this one in Austin.

A further rant

In my last post about big box stores, I doubted the profitability of some of those stores. With the heavy inventory and overhead, combined with weak sales and an inept return policy, it didn't seem feasible. Lowes may be waking up to that reality. I recently heard that they are in the process of closing 7 stores in the midwest, in and around Chicago. I wonder if any action will be taken in Florida, and if so, where?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Random Thoughts about the Economy

To make ends meet, I find myself working for one of those big box stores. It's amazing how flawed these stores are, yet find themselves successful, or are they? The purchasing is done on a national scale, instead of regional, so many inventory items are purchased without thought. With so many items in the store, the company feels it is easier to just receive by the truckload instead of by each item, hoping that everything the purchasing dept. has bought comes in, and at the proper quantity. Cycle counts have to be performed in each department weekly to verify inventory, and make corrections as necessary. The problem I see with big box stores is they are jack of all trades, and master of none. They have destroyed America's small business community, which specialized in specific trades or skills. While our beloved politicians say that small business is the backbone of America, who do you think supports their election?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Art & Business

First of all, I must say this is not intended to be critical of any artists. I just find it surprising that many artists along the Treasure Coast have no clue of the business of art. In order to be successful, you must know how to get your message across; in other words, displaying your work in as many venues as possible. If that's not your goal, you're a hobbyist, not an artist. I will go out of my way to help any artist wishing to learn how to submit to galleries. Artists, if you're out there, please contact me.

Kevin Boldenow

Way too long - again!

I have no excuses for not posting here sooner. I'm working with local and statewide conservation groups to open up awareness of Florida's fragile environment. I will soon be featured in 1000 Friends of Florida's newsletter, and "The Naturalist", the magazine of Audubon of Florida. I'm still looking for contributing writers for my book, which I've titled "Vanishing Florida". The gallery business hasn't been kind to me as of late. I'll be submitting some work to a gallery in Austin, TX this weekend. I can only hope.