Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I was hopeful of exhibiting in two separate galleries in West Palm Beach. After visiting one of the galleries last Friday, I realized this wasn't a gallery I wanted to show my work in. Most of the art, if you want to call it that, was priced in the low 100's, with some even below 100. To top it off, the gallery doesn't provide insurance for your images when on display. They want you to sign a Release of Liability in the event your work is damaged. It's not a good idea to exhibit in a place like this.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Great News!

How about this - Dear Kevin, Congratulations. We are pleased to announce our curators have chosen your image for inclusion into YourDailyPhotograph.com. We select a very small percentage of photographs submitted. We expect your image to post within the next few days. And you’re in good company -- in recent weeks images from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Andreas Gursky, Richard Misrach, Andre Kertesz, Edward Burtynsky and other photography legends have appeared in YDP.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Historic Structures

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been shooting historic structures lately. The shoot at the Pearce Homestead, northwest of Okeechobee, Florida, provided an interesting glimpse of life in Florida 100 years ago. An old schoolhouse along with the managers quarters are well preserved on the property. A Pearce family cemetery also lied there. The Stuart Centennial is just a few months away. I have shot a few of the homes within the city that are 100 years old or older. I'm hoping to show them at the Stuart Heritage Museum.

Friday, October 18, 2013

New adventures

Most of my work has been of landscapes, but I'm adding some historic images to my portfolio. I've recently finished up an historic view of the city of Indiantown, Florida, and will be discussing a project this week on the centennial celebration of Stuart, Florida. I hope to contribute a few images to this project, with the possibility of having them published in a coffee table book. I'm interested in the Florida Cracker Trail, the trail that Florida Ranch Owners have used to take their cattle to market. It's located near Rte. 70 in central Florida, going east and west. One of the former homesteads, no longer in use, has been designated a ghost town. A fort used to lie on the property, and several old buildings remain there. I have scheduled a shoot there on November 6th. The property is closed to the public, but with a guide, I've been able to gain access. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Florida History

This year has been an historic one for the state of Florida. It has been 500 years since Juan Ponce DeLeon first set foot on this lovely state. Many city's are also celebrating their beginnings, including Stuart, which will in 2014 celebrate its centennial. My work with the city of Indiantown will no doubt help in my ventures in Stuart. I hope to help the committee in Stuart with some unique photographic images of places in their town. It should be an interesting year upcoming, with images of both Indiantown and Stuart being created. It should give residents of both towns a bit more pride in where they live.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Indiantown Project - cont'd

I am putting the finishing touches on my grant application. The purpose of this grant is to provide me funding to print and frame 10 images for an historical pictorial of the city of Indiantown. If accepted, I can get to work on the project at the first of the year, hoping to get everything ready by mid-February, 2014. That's not long from now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Juried Exhibit

As I believe I previously posted here, the two images I submitted in the Viva Florida 500 juried exhibit were accepted. The exhibit is being held at the Elliott Museum and Cultural Courthouse in Stuart, Florida. The jurors chose what was to be exhibited, and now will make their final choices for monetary awards. Both of my images are at the Elliott Museum. The reception is this Friday, September 20th, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Elliott. If any of my followers are in the area, I hope to see you.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Indiantown Project moving forward

I had a meeting at the Blake Library(Stuart)today to further discuss the nature of this historic project for the city of Indiantown. I'm in the process of applying for a local grant to offset the cost of both printing and framing the images for exhibition. I'll then apply for a statewide grant to keep the project in the peoples eyes. We're hoping to do new exhibits for a year on a quarterly basis. Local businesses will be asked to help with the receptions through sponsorships. We will also offer some businesses the opportunity to have a part of the exhibit on display at their office. Still plenty to do.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Indiantown Project - cont'd

Today I'm meeting with the head librarian of the Indiantown Library and Sandy Newville, the woman who is putting words to my images. Because the original exhibit is just around the corner, I suggested that we do a continuance at a later date in 2014. I'm looking at other grant opportunities in which to help with printing, framing, and brochures. I may seek out local businesses to gauge their interest. This little forgotten town has quite a history which has never been explored before. I hope we do it justice.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Juried Exhibits

In case I haven't mentioned it, I have been accepted into both the Viva Florida 500 juried exhibit at the Elliott Museum and Cultural Courthouse in Stuart, Florida, and the 100% Pure Florida exhibit at 5th Avenue Gallery in Melbourne, Florida. I'm hoping this will open up more doors to other exhibition venues, as well as possible collectors of my work. Both exhibits begin in early September. Just have to keep you posted as to the results.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Water worries

"Too often, state, local, and even national government actors do not consider the long-term consequences of their decisions. Local governments allow unchecked growth because it increases tax revenue, but these same governments do not sufficiently plan for the resources such unchecked growth will require. Nor do individual citizens consider frequently enough their consumption of our scarce resources absent a crisis situation".

Saturday, July 27, 2013

More about the Indiantown Project

A friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in putting on a solo exhibit of about 10 of my Indiantown images. That would definitely interest me if grant money was available. I'll be applying for a local grant which would take care of most expenses. I think an opportunity is on the rise. Keeping the faith.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Indiantown Project Revisited

The Indiantown historic project has a new director, as the previous director resigned to take another position elsewhere. My collaborator will meet with this new director and look at the funding and where it has gone so far. We're hoping that there will be some funds available for the two of us so this project comes to a good conclusion. More later I suppose.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Earlier Work

When I look at some of my earlier images, I find a disconnect between my self and my subject. Places that I photographed were just that - places. My nature and landscape photography, however, have a spiritual, almost mystical connection between myself and subject matter. It is that emotional relationship that dwells inside me now.

Monday, July 8, 2013


So there won't be any funding for this Indiantown project I've been working on. I've put it on hold as I'm in the process of submitting to three juried shows. If accepted, I'll have to get a number of images ready for exhibition. I'd like to still help on the Indiantown project, but it's dependent upon the results of the juried shows.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Indiantown Project

Public projects like the Indiantown, Florida project I've mentioned earlier can be very rewarding for an artists career, but at the same time, quite frustrating. Getting the funding to move this project forward has been quite a lesson. The person in charge at the Library has not successfully reached out to the public for support, and now I find out she's resigning and moving onto another position outside the Library. I hope that whoever takes over, can get this project moving again.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Expanding One's Territory

As an artist wishing to expand his territory outside of Florida, the cost of shipping art becomes very prohibitive to even consider exhibits elsewhere. I'm looking at California right now, and possibly my hometown of Detroit. I'll be asking other artists how they do it and also search for museums who normally pay for exhibits. Just have to be creative, like my art I suppose.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Project

The Indiantown project I have previously mentioned has a second chapter to it. I'm also providing images to a writer to help her complete a book project, as well as help with the gallery project. This has no chance of obtaining funds currently, but could prove to provide future benefits once the book or books are published. I can see her as a great help in helping me with my book, "Vanishing Florida", get moving. She has a knack of putting words with images. Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears. 

Edgar Allan Poe

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Funds and Funding

The term starving artist has been around for some time, but is not the case with me. Finding the funds to continue my art work and enter a few juried shows is going to prove quite an effort. Black & White Magazine is due at the end of June, and two more by mid-July, followed by an end of July deadline. I'm hoping to get them all entered, as each has its advantages should I be accepted. My work on the Indiantown project has met a funding snag. Without funds, no printing and framing will be accomplished. Just have to have hope that things will all work out.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Art has long been considered an "investment of passion" that not only offers aesthetic utility but the potential of economic benefit. Only recently, however, has art been viewed through the lens of modern portfolio theory and considered a potential alternative investment as part of a portfolio of assets. Though research continues to shed more light on what has been historically an opaque market, studies show that art can offer long-term return potential that is uncorrelated with other asset classes.

Monday, June 3, 2013


After meeting with the Director of the Martin County Library system last week concerning the Smithsonian Project - Journey Stories, I found out that they're looking for 10 images for the project. A lot more than the 3-4 I was thinking about.The project's opening night is October 19th, so I have my work cut out for me. I also have three other projects I'm currently working on. When asked how much I need to do this project, I figured $2,000.00 would cover most costs. I'm hoping to receive this soon, as time is of the essence.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I'm sure most artists have had to struggle with what to create. Do they create for the masses and make something that is commercially acceptable(and not really art), or do they go with their heart and produce work that is in essence, something that speaks to their soul. As a fine art photographer, I have over 100 images to peruse and determine which piece will be the next to be framed and ready for my next showing. I find that my heart dictates what I do most of the time. Nothing wrong with getting a piece ready with a local flair to it. But, with my first real museum show coming in less than a year, My heart will win out every time. The pieces I create will have emotional appeal, not just for me, but for my audience as well. Kevin

Friday, May 24, 2013

Photo Assignment continued

So this morning I got into the private property to photograph an old Florida Cracker home. The sun was brutal, and I hope I can return there to shoot in the afternoon. The property is vast and the home to cattle. Didn't see any, but they left their calling card. I've posted a couple of shots to my Facebook page. I'll also add them to my Facebook business page at KRB Photo Imagery. I'm sure there's more to come on this assignment.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Photo Assignment

I am in the middle of an historic photo assignment in conjunction with the Martin County(FL) Library system and the Smithsonian Museum. The Smithsonian invited towns/cities with a museum to bring the museum atmosphere to their respective areas with an historic account of their city or town. I was hoping to do another part of the assignment this morning, but there was a communication breakdown between myself and the person that can grant me access to private property. I'm hoping to finish this assignment soon, and be able to use some of the images in upcoming museum and gallery shows around the state. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vanishing Florida

It was always my intent to put together a book titled "Vanishing Florida". The photography was mainly concentrated on Florida's vanishing wilderness, but with a look at our history, especially in this area, I now realize that our historic venues are also vanishing. Our schools are greatly at fault for not emphasizing our local and statewide history. What made settlers come and stay in Florida? I can imagine what the pest situation must have been like before the advent of pesticides. And the humid climate could not have been the most inviting. I will continue to study the area, both in words and in images that I create. Stay tuned.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I've begun work on a photography project for the Martin County(Florida) library system and the Smithsonian Museum. It involves the history of Indiantown, Florida. Today I was brought out to an old black cemetery, far from anyone's sight. I shot some digital color images, as well as traditional black & white film. The cemetery is under the supervision of Thelma Waters. What concerns me about history and the historical significance of a place is that todays children are not being taught about their past. If we forget the past, how is it that our children or their children will know where we came from and the hardships we faced. We'd rather tear down a building or structure without knowing the significance it played in previous generations.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I've been fortunate enough lately to find other venues to submit my artwork to. I've also been invited to show again in Palm Beach Gardens City Hall for the Summer. The last time I exhibited there I had barely enough to cover the walls. Definitely not the case today. The problem is, how do I find a buying public. I know art is a tough sell, as people need to think about their car and home payments first, but collectors need to be able to find me. If you're following me here, I hope you've looked at my website. I'd like to hear any thoughts that come to mind. Signing off, for now. Kevin

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I have been absent for quite some time, and apologize for that. There has been so much that has happened since my last post. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin, you know what I'm talking about.My exhibition at the Lake Eustis Museum of Art went well, but I only sold a few small images. I'm currently in the middle of a three man photography exhibit at the Cultural Courthouse in downtown Stuart. A good place to exhibit, but not to sell anything. People here do not look at art as an investment, just an expense they cannot afford. I'll be showing 30-40 images at the Palm Beach Gardens City Hall June thru August this Summer. I think it's best to get my work out of the state. Florida is just not a good art market. The snowbirds here had the opportunity to display what they have on their walls in an exhibit two years ago. Not one piece was from a local artist. A very sad reflection indeed. Most do not even venture out to the Cultural Courthouse to view what's on display, even if the artist isn't local. Many companies and individuals donate large sums of money to the Arts Council, but never set foot in the gallery. I wonder why.