Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I'm sure most artists have had to struggle with what to create. Do they create for the masses and make something that is commercially acceptable(and not really art), or do they go with their heart and produce work that is in essence, something that speaks to their soul. As a fine art photographer, I have over 100 images to peruse and determine which piece will be the next to be framed and ready for my next showing. I find that my heart dictates what I do most of the time. Nothing wrong with getting a piece ready with a local flair to it. But, with my first real museum show coming in less than a year, My heart will win out every time. The pieces I create will have emotional appeal, not just for me, but for my audience as well. Kevin

Friday, May 24, 2013

Photo Assignment continued

So this morning I got into the private property to photograph an old Florida Cracker home. The sun was brutal, and I hope I can return there to shoot in the afternoon. The property is vast and the home to cattle. Didn't see any, but they left their calling card. I've posted a couple of shots to my Facebook page. I'll also add them to my Facebook business page at KRB Photo Imagery. I'm sure there's more to come on this assignment.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Photo Assignment

I am in the middle of an historic photo assignment in conjunction with the Martin County(FL) Library system and the Smithsonian Museum. The Smithsonian invited towns/cities with a museum to bring the museum atmosphere to their respective areas with an historic account of their city or town. I was hoping to do another part of the assignment this morning, but there was a communication breakdown between myself and the person that can grant me access to private property. I'm hoping to finish this assignment soon, and be able to use some of the images in upcoming museum and gallery shows around the state. I'll keep you posted.