Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Another Project

The Indiantown project I have previously mentioned has a second chapter to it. I'm also providing images to a writer to help her complete a book project, as well as help with the gallery project. This has no chance of obtaining funds currently, but could prove to provide future benefits once the book or books are published. I can see her as a great help in helping me with my book, "Vanishing Florida", get moving. She has a knack of putting words with images. Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears. 

Edgar Allan Poe

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Funds and Funding

The term starving artist has been around for some time, but is not the case with me. Finding the funds to continue my art work and enter a few juried shows is going to prove quite an effort. Black & White Magazine is due at the end of June, and two more by mid-July, followed by an end of July deadline. I'm hoping to get them all entered, as each has its advantages should I be accepted. My work on the Indiantown project has met a funding snag. Without funds, no printing and framing will be accomplished. Just have to have hope that things will all work out.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Art has long been considered an "investment of passion" that not only offers aesthetic utility but the potential of economic benefit. Only recently, however, has art been viewed through the lens of modern portfolio theory and considered a potential alternative investment as part of a portfolio of assets. Though research continues to shed more light on what has been historically an opaque market, studies show that art can offer long-term return potential that is uncorrelated with other asset classes.

Monday, June 3, 2013


After meeting with the Director of the Martin County Library system last week concerning the Smithsonian Project - Journey Stories, I found out that they're looking for 10 images for the project. A lot more than the 3-4 I was thinking about.The project's opening night is October 19th, so I have my work cut out for me. I also have three other projects I'm currently working on. When asked how much I need to do this project, I figured $2,000.00 would cover most costs. I'm hoping to receive this soon, as time is of the essence.