Saturday, March 1, 2014


Though our history are but moments in time, the study is a continuing process. This process brings our past to light, creating a pride in our beginnings and struggles that strengthen our will to achieve. My exhibit is meant to be such a continuing event. The exhibit will be an impetus. Taking place at the Lahti Library from May 17 – June 28,2014, the next stop for the images will be in the offices of local businesses. Kevin Powers of Indiantown Realty and Jonnie Flewelling, owner of the Seminole Inn would welcome some of the images in their place of business. Jonnie has also mentioned that works of art had been sold at the Inn. This can provide additional funding for the Lahti Library. The images can return to the Lahti Library in the Fall, for a second viewing. This would be a great time to introduce the calendar. I was honored to hear that my images were a big push to create an historical society in Indiantown. I believe this is a great endeavor for the city of Indiantown. Should the historical society find a permanent home, some of my images may find a home there too.

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